Our Danish User Meeting took place in Vejle at May 23rd, gathering 28 participants, representing 9 network operators, plus 9 of our own staff. The input and presentations from our customers was at a historical high level, and came on top of the sessions held by our experts.
The program kicked off with a panel debate, where Lone Jørgensen of Fibia, Mari Møller Hansen of Trefor and Carina Fjordside of Thy-Mors Energi discussed the implications of the shift in focus from building to operating networks; facilitated by our CEO Tanja Rask Elbæk. Furthermore, Kenneth Damholt and Egezone Haziri introduced and demoed Light6, our new web-client to be launched later this year; Peter Makholm explained integrations by use of standard API; Alina Golubei outlined the benefits of the Quality Manager tool; and new and useful extensions to Smallworld PNI were presented by Øyvind Berntsen.
The ERFA1-group, lead by Carina, brought up important topics of common interest, such as FTTH Tool add-ons introduced by Galia C Block of Norlys, supplementary map layers showed by Marie L Larsen of Fibia and Physical Route Manager demoed by Lars Morten Moe.
1) Abbreviation for the Danish word "erfaring", translates to "experience" in English
The event was truly a great success with lots of insight, sharing and engagement, a huge inspiration to both the users and to us as a supplier of the goods.