There are many different ways to use Network Inventory solutions and Smallworld's products. Some ways are flawed and ineffective. This results in unnecessary "system errors", extra time-consuming processes, or slow routines resulting and lack of efficiency. Not knowing"Best practice" - or the most effective workflow in PNI and related products can be improved by Smallworld domain experts. “there is much to gain from optimizing the workflow, better use of tools, shortcuts, or new tips and tricks”

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There are many different ways to use Network Inventory solutions and Smallworld's products. Some ways are flawed and ineffective. This results in unnecessary "system errors", extra time-consuming processes, or slow routines resulting and lack of efficiency. Not knowing"Best practice" - or the most effective workflow in PNI and related products can be improved by Smallworld domain experts.

The shortage of Domain experts, PNI System- and IT architecture knowhow, are an increasing problem where we would like to help our customers.

Prerequisites and expectations

User rights, platform management and IT security are of course subject to the internal IT departments - with whom we can cooperate or make recommendations if wanted.


A SW GIS administrator can assess and adapt the GIS platform so that it functions optimally in your workplace. We can help when the company needs to acquire and implement upgrades, and we are able to guide in the use of all the GIS tool from Smallworld.

Our GIS system administrator is a person who has access to correct the system's setup, knows best practice, is a super user, has IT and system insight. In large organisations, the tasks will typically be divided between several people, so that there is one person responsible for networks, while others are responsible for servers or user support as a domain expert.

GIS Admin is a fixed price agreement with a user hotline and support based on a SLA.

Smallworld can also provide System-health-check, Platform Review, or Workflow Assessment. We recommend an annual review where we perform a platform health check. We gather our best recommendations and our conclusions in a subsequent report in which we describe, problem areas, possible errors, or any shortcomings we may discover and make visible opportunities for optimization and improvements.


Smallworld can assist with great insight into the most effective use of Smallworld tools: best practice in planning, establishment phase or the many operational and maintenance tasks. We can advise your IT department regarding security, hardware requirements, server setup, and platform optimization. Smallworld has great domain expertise, many years of experience, and know-how in the operation and maintenance of the PNI platform with associated systems and tools.

“there is much to gain from optimizing the workflow, better use of tools, shortcuts, or new tips and tricks”

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