Abdi Lykke Haibeh is joining Smallworld Nordic as Head of Service and Delivery from July. He has a broad experience in IT development and project management from various Danish companies, such as Carlsberg and KOMBIT, the latter developing IT for 98 municipalities.

He holds a Master in IT & Managment and his main domain is in platforms such as BI, ERP and SAP, supplied with certificates in Prince2, SAFe, ITIL4.

Abdi lives in Copenhagen with his family and they often travel to their house in Crete. He also spends his spare time mountain hiking, hunting and enjoying furniture design.

- It is with great pleasure I welcome Abdi to our team, says Tanja Rask Elbæk, CEO of Smallworld Nordic. - Abdi has a strong experience within leadership and management in the IT consultancy business, which will enable us to build our organisation further.

We look forward to on-board Abdi and to implement his capacity and knowledge into our daily work.

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